correctional service of canada造句


  1. The Correctional Service of Canada has denied his request for marriage.
  2. There are three levels of security within the Correctional Service of Canada.
  3. A major employer of the region is the Correctional Service of Canada.
  4. It is operated by Correctional Service of Canada.
  5. The Correctional Service of Canada has jurisdiction over the offender until the offender passes away.
  6. It's difficult to find correctional service of canada in a sentence. 用correctional service of canada造句挺難的
  7. Tim Krause, spokesman for the Correctional Service of Canada's Prairie region, said.
  8. This included a wood chip plant and a federal prison operated by the Correctional Service of Canada.
  9. On March 12, 1979, Correctional Service of Canada announced that British Columbia Penitentiary would close.
  10. She worked for 32 years with the Correctional Service of Canada, most recently as a project officer.
  11. Those who are sentenced to more than that are transferred to the Correctional Service of Canada ( CSC ).
  12. Before entering politics she worked as a Parole Officer with the Correctional Service of Canada in Ontario and Newfoundland.
  13. As of mid-2012, private prison companies continued to lobby the Correctional Service of Canada for contract business.
  14. This date is court imposed, at which time the Correctional Service of Canada no longer has jurisdiction over the offender.
  15. Notable public sector clients include Health Canada, Correctional Services of Canada, RCMP, and Public Services and Procurement Canada.
  16. The Correctional Service of Canada said concern for the health of all inmates prompted its decision to stub out all smoking in stir.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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